
How To Change Sand In A Sand Filter

Sand Puddle Filters: How to Modify the Sand

Sand Pool Filters: How to Change the Sand

DIY Tips For Replacing Sand In A Sand Pool Filter

Sand filters for pools are known for typically requiring much less maintenance than other types of pool filtration systems, but they do require some care to stay running at their optimum level. Role of sand filter maintenance involves changing the sand in the filter. Depending on how much your pool is used and what type of filter arrangement you have, the sand will typically need to exist replaced about every 5-7 years in order to keep everything running efficiently.

Over time, as the sand in your filter is run through the organization, the granules get smoother and the sand filtration process becomes much less efficient. When your sand filter stops working too, that means information technology'south pumping harder and harder and overworking to do what should exist a simple task. Keeping up with changing the sand on a schedule volition help keep everything running smoothly and help to keep your filter running for as long as possible.

Tools You'll Need:

  • Pool sand
  • Silicon
  • Garden hose & plastic tarp



  1. Remove the old sand from the pool filter - You lot demand to remove all of the old sand that is in the tank. To drain it manually, lay plastic sheeting underneath the filter bleed assembly, remove the associates and plow on the pump. This is the fastest, merely messiest way to get rid of the sand from your system. For less mess, endeavor removing the drain plug and allowing the sand to bleed for a few days.
  2. When removing sand with a scoop or with suction, brand certain you don't injure the laterals at the bottom of the tank. The unions, couplings and pvc glue tin become fragile over time and and can be easily knocked downwardly if you aren't careful.
  3. In one case the sand has been removed, take out the pipe and lateral assembly advisedly and soak them in a bucket of cleaning solution. This helps for laterals that take become clogged with and debris. If yous noticed whatsoever broken or damaged laterals, at present is the fourth dimension to supplant them.
  4. Next, replace the drain plugs and employ a new layer of silicon sealant to ensure a clean, sealed fit.
  5. Cascade water back into the tank and then the laterals don't pause when you add the sand.
  6. At present encompass the standpipe to prevent sand from getting in. When sand gets in the standpipe and the pump gets turned back on, the laterals won't go damaged.
  7. Pour in the new sand, making sure to just use specially formulated sand that is graded for pool filters, equally any other types of sand can damage your pool filtration system and your pool. Look for pool filter grade silica sand #xx, 45-55. Don't overfill! E'er use the corporeality of sand that the manufacturer recommends - overfilling a sand filter system can atomic number 82 to damage and unneeded wear and tear.


By post-obit these easy steps, you can help your sand pool filtration system run as efficiently as possible and maximize the amount of use you lot get out of it. When y'all take care of your pool equipment, information technology will help take care of your pool.

Doheny's Recommends

- Zeo Sand


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