
Can You Change Kast Married Name

Jo McFetridge is a lawyer in Victoria B.C. regularly practicing family law.

I repeatedly come across clients who have gone to a lot of time, trouble, and expense to practise a legal proper noun change, in order to go dorsum to their maiden name.

Stop right in that location. I'thou going to save you some money and hassle.

If you were, or still are, legally married to someone, you do Not need to take any legal action whatsoever to go back to your maiden proper noun, or indeed, any previous married proper noun.

(That is, unless you did a legal name change in the past. If you did that, this article probably isn't for you. Phone me instead.)

Here are some things you don't need:

  1. To starting time a courtroom activity for a legal name change;
  2. To apply that part of the standard BC divorce paperwork that asks you lot if you want to modify your name. That'southward not for you. That's for people who want to change their name to something entirely dissimilar to their married and to their maiden names. Like if yous wanted to change your proper noun to Fuzzy Dingo or Stone Star, or possibly something less brassy; or
  3. Anyone else's permission. It's your proper name (if you desire it). It didn't automatically stop beingness your name when y'all got married and started using another one.

You can utilise your maiden proper noun whenever you want. Y'all tin use it at the aforementioned time equally you use your married proper noun. You can utilize your maiden name, your married name and even a previous married name, if that'south what you want.

It's every bit easy to go back to your maiden name as it was to first using your married name. Remember how y'all went to the ICBC role with a copy of your marriage certificate, and and then they gave y'all identification in your married proper noun? Yep. Just accept your nascency certificate into the ICBC role, and get them to upshot you your identification cards in your maiden name.

This applies to all legally married (past or nowadays) people, whether men, women, non-binary, trans, genderqueer, and withal you place.

I work with lots of members of the queer community, and I notice there's quite a bit of misconception among us with respect to marriage and divorce. The great news is that, for once, the aforementioned rules employ to everyone:

  1. But like heterosexual couples, you are entitled to use your partner'due south last proper name later you go married, correct away, and no thing if you're male, female person, non-binary, transgender or genderqueer or anything else;
  2. You do NOT demand a legal name change to start using your partner's last name, provided y'all did go legally married to them;
  3. You tin can become new identification issued to you in your married name as before long equally y'all're married; and
  4. As per the above, if you lot don't desire to apply your married name anymore, whether or not you've separated from or are even so with your partner, you can simply go back to using your maiden name anytime y'all want.

Any questions, give me a phone call. Otherwise: y'all're welcome!

note: this blog isn't legal advice. Don't ever take legal advice from a blog: telephone a lawyer and become actual legal advice. The law and practice around this topic might change after the post is published.

Jo McFetridge is a lawyer in Victoria, B.C., regularly practicing family police.


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